Monday, February 13, 2012

A Moment of REALIZATION...BING...from teaching...

I do not know everything, but I do know somethings.  That is why we need each other because we each know something different that may bring a different perspective or insight and teach one another and each other something new and different...

there are days I wish I was not a teacher, but a student because I hate having the answers or the person who suppose to know the answers...I keep telling myself I must be a good teacher to my students because to have good students...they must have a good teacher...I, the teacher teach what and WHO I AM to my students....and my students become WHO I AM in them because they are a mire-reflection of me.

This teaching role is not easy and I want to thank all of my informal and formal teachers all throughout my life because I carry a little piece of your teaching and who you are in me...


  1. It is those who are aware of their own ongoing need to keep learning who tend to make the best teachers. Len Busch, Tulsa

  2. Hello Mr John!
    I'm glad that you are still doing well and reflecting on life as always. I do agree with your wonderful insights about being a student vs. a teacher.

    Hope to see you soon.

    P.S. I like the hairdo :P

    Ena Hawj

  3. "I know enough to know I don't know much." Seems like you are journeying well man. It's great that you're wanting to be a holistic perspective of teaching for yourself and people you come into contact too. Being a student and a teacher is one in the same in the sense that they're both learning constantly.

    Much love,
